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Couples Therapy

Are you currently in a romantic relationship or marriage and looking for ways to improve that relationship? Or maybe you and your partner are in a crisis and looking to heal wounds from the past, broken trust, loss of connection, and an inability to communicate effectively about these gridlock issues. Couples therapy is a way to come together in a neutral space to learn skills that will help your communication. 

The Process

I conduct a three-part intensive couples’ assessment inspired by the Gottman Couples therapy method, an evidence- based treatment approach to help couples increase respect, affection, closeness, and better manage conflict.


I also incorporate my training in Emotion Focused Couples therapy in this process. EFT is a couples treatment approach based on the work of Dr. Sue Johnson which highlights attachment patterns. She found that couples often replicate attachment styles from their childhood into  their adult romantic relationships. It is important to explore these attachments and decide if they are helpful or harmful. 


Couples will also complete an online relationship check-up questionnaire through the Gottman institute prior to Session 2.  The institute will generate a report highlighting areas to work on, recommended interventions, and strengths.


Session 1: 90 Min couples intake session 

Explore goals for treatment, history of the relationship, communication style, and strengths.


Session 2: 60 min individual session for each person.

Explore individual history, family history, attachment style, and perspectives on the relationship.


Session 3: 90 min couples follow up visit.

Review results of the Gottman relationship checkup questionnaire, provide education and feedback and discuss the treatment plan.


***Follow up sessions will usually be 60 min following this three part assessment unless otherwise discussed.

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